
The Scotland experience

Hello hello :)

Two days ago I came back from an one week long trip to Scotland to visit my dear friends Sarah and Kim. I spend a great time there, mostly in St. Andrews (yes, I even saw Prince Whilliam *laughs*), but also in Dundee and Edinburgh.

While travelling, I took a lot of pictures and I made a few small Comics and drawings I want to share with you now :D

I drew this strip in the airplane *laughs* I still don't know, why I was so exited.

1: Still one week! "I hope, I don't forget anything, I hope, the suitcase is not too heavy, I hope it is not too big..."
2. Still one day! "What, if I don't wake up, what, if I don't hear the bell, what, if I miss my flight...?"
3. Still one hour! "Where do I check in, where is the gate, where is the safety check...?"
It's the first time, that I fly alone!

After I walked a bit around in Edinburgh and visited the National Galleries, I took the train to St. Andrews.



But the train got stuck for an hour and I sadly didn't have a seat so I tried to sit on my suitcase.


In the end, I arrived safe and spend a great evening in the pub with Sarah and her friends :)

I spent the next 3 days sight seeing in St. Andrews and participating in Sarahs life ;D

As you would expect from Scotland in Feburary it was:





It was that kind of weather where you ask yourself every morning: "How many layers of clothes should I wear?"


But thanks to the weather, I was able to see the most amazing Rainbow I could ever imagine


Wednesday evening I went on to Dundee where I first watcht the movie "never let me go" with Sarah. It was really beautiful.

Some kind of a fanart :)

After the movie, I met Kim and we had a fun night in the club!

On the next day, I visited some illustration lectures with Kim and had a nice walk through Dundee.


finally the sun came out. And it was nice enough to stay the rest of the week :)

Back in St. Andrews, there was the 600year anniversary going on. I had a short look at Prince Whilliam and Kate but the crowd was too crazy.


So I went with Sarah on a walk on the Fife costal path. It was so muddy, we didn't come far, but it was amazing!






I spend a fun last evening in St. Andrews. We watched a musical, went to the pub, went to another pub and played drinking games in a friend's house. Far too late, we went to bed and it was not easy to wake up the next morning to catch out train to Edinburgh.


1. If I go to bed with wet hair... "Good night, Sarah"
2. ...I look like this the next morning.

We met Kim in Edinburgh and spend another nice day sight seeing and shopping together.

Yay.... :D Kim, Sarah and I!

I made myself an Edinburgh map to find the Youth Hostel :D

After having Haggis and super tasty Scottish cheese for dinner, I spend the last night alone in a youth hostel. The next morning, I had to wake up at 3:30 AM to catch my flight:

Because I didn't want to wake someone up in the Youth Hostel, I dressed myself in darkness!

And here I am again :) full with wonderful experiences, good food, great inspiration and a lot of ideas!

Bye bye

4 Kommentare:

  1. wow, die fotos gefallen mir total gut! die sehen nicht aus, als hättest du sie nebenbei gemacht... echt schön!

  2. Hawhaw! Looks cool! Going there myself again day after tomorrow! And Haggis does rock! =D


  3. wow, toller post! besonders der wechsel zwischenn deinen schönen illus und den fotos hat mir gefallen :)

  4. @Caro, vielen Dank :D Ich hab wirklich sehr viele Fotos gemacht und die meisten sind auch nicht mehr als Schnappschüsse. Aber die paar, die ich hier hochgeladen habe, mag ich auch sehr gerne :)
    @Eero, yay.... Scotland really rocks :) I can't wait to go again and eat some Haggis <3
    @Steffi: Vielen lieben Dank :3


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